Baby Dimensions - 3D Ultrasound / 4D Ultrasound in Atlanta, GA

A Journey Through Pregnancy Week by Week – Week 33

Your baby is 33 weeks. Your baby is about 18 inches long and if they are growing at an average
weight, may be about 4 ¼ pounds. Based on different reasons, some babies may start gaining more
weight than average babies from here on. They continue to practice their breathing and they are
perfecting their sucking and swallowing skills. I have seen babies at this stage sucking on their toes, the
cord, and the back of their hands. Some labor and delivery nurse friends of mine have told me some
babies come out with red marks on the inside of their forearms from sucking on it. The hair on the
baby’s head continues to get longer and they interact with me more as I scan them from this stage on.
They definitely know I am playing with them!

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