Baby Dimensions - 3D Ultrasound / 4D Ultrasound in Atlanta, GA

A Journey Through Pregnancy Week by Week – Week 26

26 weeks is the last week of your second trimester! Your baby is 13 ¾ inches long and weighs
close to 2 pounds. It’s at around this time that I have noticed babies react to loud noises. As I put the
doppler on the heart and listen to the heartbeat, the heartbeat will slow down for a few seconds and
then speed back up. I have also noticed that the baby’s personality becomes very apparent at this stage.
I have some babies that will push back against me and roll away from me and try to curl in a ball. Some
even have a laughing expression when I jiggle mom’s belly! I really work hard to convince these babies
to let me take their picture. Then, I have other babies that just go with the flow and show off for me. It is
fun for my clients to already see some personality! It is also at this week that I sometimes can see
eyelashes or eyebrows on the 2D black and white.

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