Baby Dimensions - 3D Ultrasound / 4D Ultrasound in Atlanta, GA

A Journey Through Pregnancy Week by Week – Week 25

25 weeks and this week you will begin to see “chubby cheeks” on your baby. They are really
starting to look like a newborn, only tinier. Your baby weighs about 1 ½ pounds and is about 13 1/2
inches long. That’s about the size of a large head of cauliflower. 25 weeks is the earliest that I have seen
a baby with their eyes open. In my estimation, I believe the eyes come unsealed as early as 24 weeks.
Your baby is developing a schedule now and you might be able to notice active times and resting times
for them. If you are going to have an elective ultrasound, it is helpful to schedule your appointment
when the baby is most active. If they are active at night, and it is okay with your provider, you can drink
6 ounces of natural fruit juice 30 minutes before your ultrasound scan to help wake the baby up.

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