Baby Dimensions - 3D Ultrasound / 4D Ultrasound in Atlanta, GA

Valuable Information is Imperative Before Booking Your Appointment

How Soon Can You Find Out the Sex of Your Baby

Lots of Expecting ladies will go online and book their appointments without calling to ask for information and find out the best way to get beautiful images of your baby, especially at the bigger baby stage of imaging. 

Clients that have been here before, are great about calling us, excited & start telling us conversation us about this next baby & they book after that. I wish each and every lady that sees our site would call first. Prepping & timing mean Everything for Adorable 3D & HD images of your Baby.

Water & more Water every day for a good five days or more to get impeccable, clear images of your baby. It’s not a Cinderella story, and you can’t achieve images that way, that’s only in fairytales. That incredible amniotic fluid that you produce, because of the water you drink every day, will increase, pushing the womb walls away from the baby, and the sound waves have plenty of amniotic fluid to do their job well as they reflect your baby’s beautiful, silhouette and face.

We encourage ladies to ask the doctor at their 20-week diagnostic ultrasound, where their placenta is located. It can be a posterior placenta in the back, and it does not hinder doing the bigger, baby Imaging, but there again, timing is very important based on your height, weight, and location of the placenta. I hope to expect ladies to read this blog, call our studio and speak with us before you set up your appointment. Walking away with fascinating images of your beautiful baby means Everything to you. I would want my baby’s images to be as pretty as the ones on your wedding day, perfect. 

Prepping is a huge job on a client’s part to achieve what they desire, just like anything else in Life.

One of the last things you really need to take into consideration is booking an appointment around the time and day your baby is normally awake. I tell everybody to pay attention to what their baby is doing a few days in a row and then Book an appointment around that time if that is their moving time. If you’re going to book a time, that’s convenient, and the baby’s not going to be awake we always encourage ladies to drink 6 ounces of juice, about 30 minutes before their session to wake the baby ever so slightly but don’t do a whole lot of sugar and caffeine all day for the next four hours before you do that. We do not want them to be over-excited, we want good still images of your baby, as much as you do.

This blog sums up everything an Expecting lady needs to know to see her baby and walk away with the best memories possible based on her prepping. It’s as simple as that, you can call and get educated or study websites and do it yourself and hope for the best.

Hope every one of you enjoys your pregnancy, and takes every word of this to heart, and please pick up the phone and talk to your facility to get explicit details if you desire fascinating images like the ones on our website!

Jil Daniel &
Stacey Livingston RDMS


Tags :
3D and 4D Ultrasounds,3D ultrasound images,3D/4D Ultrasound,Ultrasound,Unique Ultrasound Newnan

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